I've been doing art since I could hold a crayon in my grubby little mits. I first got serious about it in around second grade then got REALLY serious in my middle school, emo, 'Warrior Cats' phase. I was honestly shit in my first few years of drawing, but as you can see I have gotten somewhat good.

Right now the only pieces on the page right now are digital drawing from 2023 to 2024. I hope to add in some of my older digital works, sketchbook flip-throughs, and physical works. Those probably won't be available for quite some time though.

As always be careful walking through as everything is absolutley COVERED in mercury. I have notice some iodine collecting in the corners as well so be wary of any unwanted reactions.

Art Of The Week

Calf's Head and Ox Tongue

Gustave Caillebotte

Once you're done here you can go back HOME.

Commission Info

To contact me for commissions, either message me on my neocities or you already have my discord. All payments must go through Paypal, and I require half payment up front.



Please contact me before even considering using any of my art!!