Welcome to the Mercury Spill!
Sit back and relax as you slowly sink into a leaking vat of mercury. Don't worry, it can't hurt you.
Nothing can hurt you here, as far as I know.

The library is now called the archivist alchove, and has more graphics and decor. My blog was updated as well. The blog and artist's corner stick out like sore thumbs design wise, so those will be edited next.
The artist's corner has been updated to include one more recent work, my email for commissions, and my prices. Physical works are still on the whiteboard.
Added a portfolio page with commission info.
Home page layout was changed once more. It should be more responsive to different sized screens but still not best on mobile. Added an art page and the library is available again. Also added a button for this page.
Added a blog page that is accessible by clicking the stack of books. The library isn't available currently but I'll put it back soon. Also started a stamp collection on the same page as the blog.
Changed the layout of the home page and added some more books to the library.
Added some more books to the library, also added some decorations. Probably going to add more in the future.
Added Library, none of the links in it are functional yet
A website is born

How did you get here......
Everything is slick with a metallic liquid. You don't even remember how you got here. Your chlothing has been stained by varius chemicals. It's obvious that this place isn't normal. How did you get here again? You don't remember, you don't really care. It's warm here, comfortable. Theres posters all over the walls, and sunflowers hanging dried from string. It really is rather nice here. You decide to stay for a while, if only to take a rest from the rest of the web.